Wellness Day 2023

Wellness Day 2023 was a huge success! Our theme of Belonging, Being and Becoming led Quintilian students through a memorable day designed to cultivate a sense of respect, appreciation, and growth. Children engaged in the following activities-

Respect at Quintilian:

Respect is the cornerstone of a harmonious community. Students discussed the importance of treating one another with kindness, empathy, and understanding. Exploring the true meaning of respect and learning how to build strong and meaningful connections with their peers. Our ideas and learning are displayed in the Staffroom window.

Belonging- What does it look like?

Feeling like we belong is vital to our well-being. During this session, students explored the concept of belonging and the importance of recognising and appreciating the diverse qualities that make each individual unique and valuable to our school community. Visit our Belonging Tree outside the Library.

Being present in the moment with Music and Dance:

Music and dance have a magical way of bringing people together. Our Wellness Day invited our community to join in a joyful and interactive music and dance sessions, allowing our students to be fully present and in the moment.

Future Me:

Encouraging our children to dream big is essential. This activity asked our students to explore their passions and aspirations. They were encouraged to envision their future selves, empowering them to work towards their goals with confidence and determination.

Jars of Joy:

Happiness and positivity are contagious! Our students participated in creating “Jars of Joy,” where they shared uplifting notes and messages with one another. This heart-warming activity aimed to spread happiness and build a supportive atmosphere within our school community.

Our Wellness Day concluded with a community picnic. It was so lovely to see so many families enjoying afternoon tea together after a long holiday.

Kirsty Robertson│Year 2 Teacher│Wellbeing Coordinator│Quintilian School