Dear Quintilian community,

It is hard to believe that we have completed Semester One and that parents/students will be receiving their reports. One of my most enjoyable tasks is reading and commenting on every one of these reports. Typically, they contain a large number of positive comments and many will have suggestions for improvement in some areas. I encourage families to sit down, discuss and reflect on the reports, and to give praise and encouragement when appropriate.

Quintilian School is always a dynamic place with so much happening at any given time and I do not wish to comment on any particular person or activity at this time. However, I do wish to express my thanks to all our parents and friends who have supported and volunteered their services to help the school operate effectively. I appreciate the close relationship we have and the school would not be the same without you.

Of course the heart and soul of any school are the students and staff who need to work together to achieve success. Quintilian Staff work exceptionally hard to inspire our children to develop and maintain a love learning. Our staff want to make a difference to the life of all Quintilian students by providing the best possible educational environment for them and they always seek to encourage students to strive for their own personal best whilst at school. This often requires the expectation of high standards of work and behaviour and I am pleased to say that our students accept these challenges.

As Principal, I expect all staff to show the same high standards in their own performance. They are encouraged to reflect on their performance, discuss matters with colleagues and keep up to date with current educational thinking and best practice. Professional learning and development also plays a large part in this process at Quintilian.

Best wishes for the remainder of term and the school holidays.

Neil Collins

School Open Morning is next Tuesday 26 June at 9:15am. Tell your friends about our beautiful school.

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