Category: Assemblies
Music Assembly OTRM Michael and Michelle

8:50 am
2nd July 2021

Dear Parents

Michael Basham has an assembly scheduled for 9am on Friday 2 July 2021 in Week 11. Some of the children in Year 5 and 6 are already performing in this assembly as part of Michael’s rock bands. In addition to these rock bands, I will also have some class groups performing some music as part of the assembly. The Year 6 children will be performing three songs on the xylophones and the Year 5 children will be singing a song. You are most welcome to come along and watch the children perform in the assembly. 2021

The children do not need to wear anything specific for this performance but it would be really helpful if they could please meet Michael and I in the Music room at 8:20am to get themselves into position and ready to perform before the audience arrives.

Please let me know if you have any concerns about the final assembly for Term 2.

Many thanks


Michelle Beins│Music Teacher│Quintilian School

t: (08)93834274 e:


46 Quintilian Rd, Mt Claremont WA 6010

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